
Install Open Baton using Docker

This tutorial will guide towards the installation of a standalone Open Baton environment composed by the following components:

  • The NFVO implemented in java using the framework. For more details about the NFVO architecture, you can refer to the next sections
  • RabbitMQ as messaging system
  • Test VIM Driver for being able to execute the hello world tutorial without needing an OpenStack instance
  • OpenStack VIM Driver for deploying VNFs on OpenStack
  • Generic VNFM for the instantiation of VNFs part of the Open Baton ecosystem

To have a running standalone Open Baton Docker container type the following commands:

sudo docker pull openbaton/standalone
sudo docker run --name openbaton -d -h openbaton-rabbitmq -p 8080:8080 -p 5672:5672 -p 15672:15672 -p 8443:8443 -e RABBITMQ_BROKERIP=<RabbitMQ IP> openbaton/standalone

VERY IMPORTANT NOTE - You should put as input for the RABBITMQ_BROKERIP the RabbitMQ IP making sure that this IP can be reached by external components (VMs, or host where will run other VNFMs) otherwise you will have runtime issues. In particular, you should select the external IP of your host on top of which the docker container is running

NOTE - With the command above you will run the latest Open Baton version. You can see all the standalone Open Baton Docker images available from this list.

After running the container you should see as output an alphanumeric string (which represents the full ID of the Open Baton container running) similar to the following:


To verify that the container is running you can type the following command:

sudo docker ps -a

which output should be similar to the following:

CONTAINER ID        IMAGE                        COMMAND                  CREATED             STATUS                   PORTS                                                                                              NAMES
cfc4a7fb23d0        openbaton/standalone:latest  "/usr/bin/supervisord"   49 seconds ago      Up 49 seconds  >5672/tcp,>8080/tcp,>8443/tcp,>15672/tcp   admiring_lalande

To connect to the running container containing Open Baton you can type the following command:

sudo docker exec -ti openbaton bash

After few minutes the Open Baton NFVO should be started, then you can open a browser and go on localhost:8080. To log in, the default credentials for the administrator user are:

user: admin
password: openbaton 

To stop and delete the running Open Baton container you can type respectively the following commands:

sudo docker stop openbaton
sudo docker rm openbaton