
Install Open Baton on Linux

This tutorial will guide towards the installation of an Open Baton environment using the stable binaries version.

NOTE - Please refer to this tutorial if you are willing to install a development environment where you can easily modify, compile and commit changes to the code base directly.

This version is composed by the following components:

  • The NFVO implemented in java using the framework. For more details about the NFVO architecture, you can refer to the next sections
  • RabbitMQ as messaging system
  • Test VIM Driver for being able to execute the hello world tutorial without needing an OpenStack instance.

And a set of optional components:

  • OpenStack VIM Driver for deploying VNFs on OpenStack
  • Generic VNFM for the instantiation of VNFs part of the Open Baton ecosystem
  • Fault Management System for the support to detection and recovery of VNF faults
  • Auto Scaling Engine for the automatic creation and termination of VNF instances due to performance requirements
  • Network Slicing Engine for
  • MySQL as a mean to enable the persistence when using Open Baton


To facilitate the installation procedures we provide a bootstrap script which will install the desired components and configure them for running a hello world VNF out of the box. To execute the bootstrap procedure you need to have curl installed (see This command should work on any linux system:

apt-get install curl

NOTE - We assume that you are performing the installation on top of a clean installation either of Ubuntu 14.04 or Debian Jessy. In other cases we suggest to install the components one by one. You can checkout the bootstrap repository and see the installation procedures which are executed by the bootstrap script.

Installation guide

To start the bootstrap procedure of the Open Baton environment you can type the following command:

sh <(curl -s release

In case you are interested in the latest nigthly versions of the binaries please run:

sh <(curl -s nightly

VERY IMPORTANT NOTE - By default RabbitMQ is installed on the host of the NFVO. Be aware of the fact that during the installation you will be prompted for entering the RabbitMQ IP and Port. Please make sure that this IP can be reached by external components (VMs, or host where will run other VNFMs) otherwise you will have runtime issues. If you are installing Open Baton on a VM running in OpenStack, the best is that you put here the floating IP.

During the bootstrap procedure you will be prompted for inputs. For instance you can choose to install or not the Generic VNFM as well as other additional components, or enable or not SSL.

At the end of the bootstrap procedure, if there are no errors, the dashboard should be reachable at: localhost:8080. Depending on which additional component you decided to add to the Open Baton installation then you should have a structure similar to the following:

├── nfvo
├── vnfm/generic
├── fms
├── ase
├── nse
├── plugins
└── systemd


  • nfvo contains the jar file of the Open Baton NFV Orchestrator (NFVO)
  • vnfm/generic contains the jar file of the Open Baton Generic VNF Manager (VNFMG)
  • fms contains the jar file related of Open Baton Fault Management System (FMS)
  • ase contains the jar file related of Open Baton Auto Scaling Engine (ASE)
  • nse contains the jar file related of Open Baton Network Slicing Engine (NSE)
  • plugins contains the plugins for Open Baton. By default the Test VIM Driver plugin is installed, therefore its jar file is stored in this directory. Additionally, if during the installation procedure you decide to install the OpenStack VIM-Driver Plugins then also its jar file will be stored in this directory
  • systemd contains the Open Baton configuration files for the system and service manager "systemd"

Additionally, still depending on which additional component you decided to add to the Open Baton installation, then you should also have the following structure:

├── openbaton-nfvo
├── openbaton-vnfm-generic
├── openbaton-fms
├── openbaton-ase
└── openbaton-nse


  • openbaton-nfvo is the Open Baton NFVO executable
  • openbaton-vnfm-generic is the Open Baton Generic VNFM executable
  • openbaton-fms is the Open Baton FMS executable
  • openbaton-ase is the Open Baton ASE executable
  • openbaton-nse is the Open Baton NSE executable

At this point Open Baton is ready to be used. Please refer to the Introduction on how to start using it or step into the hello world tutorial immediately.

Starting and stopping the NFVO

After the installation procedure the NFVO is running as a service. If you want to stop it, enter one of the following commands depending on your OS.

  • With Ubuntu 14.04:
sudo service openbaton-nfvo stop
sudo stop openbaton-nfvo
  • With Debian Jessie:
sudo systemctl stop openbaton-nfvo.service

To start the NFVO (as a service), enter one of the following commands depending on your OS.

  • With Ubuntu 14.04:
sudo service openbaton-nfvo start
sudo start openbaton-nfvo
  • With Debian Jessie:
sudo systemctl start openbaton-nfvo.service

Instead, to start and stop the NFVO as a normal process, you can use the Open Baton executables in the '/usr/bin/' folder and type the following commands:

sudo openbaton-nfvo start
sudo openbaton-nfvo stop

Starting and stopping the Generic VNFM (and the other additional components)

If you also installed the Generic VNFM it is also already running (as a service) at the end of the installation procedure. You can stop it with one of the following commands depending on your OS.

  • With Ubuntu 14.04:
sudo service openbaton-vnfm-generic stop
sudo stop openbaton-vnfm-generic
  • With Debian Jessie:
sudo systemctl stop openbaton-vnfm-generic.service

If you also installed the Generic VNFM, then you can start it (as a service) with one of the following commands depending on your OS.

  • With Ubuntu 14.04:
sudo service openbaton-vnfm-generic start
sudo start openbaton-vnfm-generic
  • With Debian Jessie:
sudo systemctl start openbaton-vnfm-generic.service

Instead, to start and stop the Generic VNFM as a normal process, you can use the Open Baton executables in the '/usr/bin/' folder and type the following commands:

sudo openbaton-vnfm-generic start
sudo openbaton-vnfm-generic stop

NOTE - For all the other additional components the commands above still apply just adapted to the specific component (e.g.: for the Fault Management System you can substitute the 'openbaton-vnfm-generic' with 'openbaton-fms', etc.)

Configure it

For specific configuration refer to the configuration