TOSCA Definition

The definition follows the TOSCA Simple Profile for Network Functions Virtualization (NFV) Version 1.0 Regarding the objects defined from ETSI please see: ETSI GS NFV-MAN 001

Premise: some of the objects are defined by OpenBaton

Mapping between TOSCA and ETSI NFV

TOSCA Type ETSI Entity
tosca.nodes.nfv.VDU Virtual Deployment Unit (vnfd:vdu)
tosca.nodes.nfv.VL Virtual Link Descriptor
tosca.nodes.nfv.CP Connection Point

Deploy a VNFD TOSCA Template

We are going to create a Virtual Network Function Descriptor (VNFD) from a TOSCA-defined VNFD Template. It has the following structure:

tosca_definitions_version: tosca_simple_profile_for_vnf_1_0
description: Example of VNFD Template

  ID: dummy-server
  vendor: Fokus
  version: 1.0

inputs: #Explained below
topology_template: #Explained below
Name Description
tosca_definitions_version The version of the template that follows it.
description A short description of the template.
metadata An Object containing metadata about the Virtual Network Function - name, version and creator.
inputs Explained below
topology_template Explained below

Inputs Template

The Inputs Template consists of parameters needed for creating a Virtual Network Function Descriptor that can be added to OpenBaton. An example of how the template should look like is shown below.

  endpoint: dummy
    - flavour_key: m1.small
    name: server-configurations
      - key: value
      - key2: value2

Inputs Template parameters:

Name Value Description
vnfPackageLocation URL It is URL where the Orchestrator will fetch the Scripts needed in the lifecycle events defined in the interfaces
deploymentFlavour List of flavour_key It is a list flavors each one refers to Virtual hardware templates called "flavors" in OpenStack
endpoint String The VNFManager deploying the VNF itself
interfaces See the Table below Defines the lifecycle events and the scripts needed for their execution.
configurations Object with two values name, configurationParameters name: is a String with the name of the Configuration, configurationParameters: the list of Parameters defined by a pair of < key, value >

The Interfaces for the VNF has only one option at the moment: lifecycle

For the lifecycle object are the following events defined in compliance with the ETSI Lifecycle Events.

Lifecycle event Value Description
INSTANTIATE List of Script files The Scripts will be called for this Lifecycle event
CONFIGURE List of Script files The Scripts will be called for this Lifecycle event
START List of Script files The Scripts will be called for this Lifecycle event
STOP List of Script files The Scripts will be called for this Lifecycle event
TERMINATE List of Script files The Scripts will be called for this Lifecycle event

Topology Template

At the moment the Topology template includes only the Node Templates.

Node Templates

The Node Templates are the descriptions of the objects (Virtual Deployment Units, Connection Points, Virtual Links) which constitute the Virtual Network Function. Each node is defined by its name and the parameters needed to create its descriptor.

Node Template: Virtual Deployment Unit (VDU)

This is an example of a VDU template and similar to above after that we explain briefly the components of the template.

  type: tosca.nodes.nfv.VDU
      - ubuntu-14.04-server-cloudimg-amd64-disk1
    scale_in_out: 2
    vimInstanceName: vim-instance
    - virtual_link: CP2
Name Value Description
type tosca.nodes.nfv.VDU Type of the node. In the example it defines the node as a VDU node.
properties See the Table below Defines parameters needed for deploying a VDU
requirements List of requirement Describes the component requirements for the VDU

The Properties Object of a VDU node has the following components:

Name Value Description
vm_image List < String > It is the list of images present in the OpenStack that will be used to instantiate a VNFC (aka Virtual Machine)
scale_in_out Integer Maximum value of VNFCs that can be instantiated in the process of scale-in/out
vim_instance_name List < String > Names of Points of Persistence (PoP) where this VNFC will be instantiated

The Requirements Object of a VDU node defines a list of virtual links to Connection Points. Exactly like the VNF Node the Requirements define a list of key-value pair, but in this case the only key is defined as follows:

Name Value Description
virtualLink String Shows where the VDU is connected

Node Template: Connection Point (CP)

This is an example of a CP template and similar to above after that we explain briefly the components of the template.

  type: tosca.nodes.nfv.CP
    floatingIP: random
    - virtualBinding: VDU1
    - virtualLink: private

Name Value Description
type tosca.nodes.nfv.CP Type of the node. In the example it defines the node as a CP node.
properties: floatiIP String Only property defined at the moment is floatingIP. In this case floatingIp means that has a public IP chosen random by OpenStack
requirements: virtualBinding String It describes the requirements for the CP in the example above the CP needs a virtualBinding to the VDU in this case VDU1. The bindings can be multiple hence the requirements is a node.
requirements: virtualLink String It refers to Node Template which describes the Virtual Link in this case the Virtual Link is called private. Same applies here regarding requirements being a list.

OpenBaton uses Virtual Link names as subnets from OpenStack.

This is the definition of VL called private:

  type: tosca.nodes.nfv.VL
    vendor: Fokus

Name Value Description
type tosca.nodes.nfv.VL It is the type of the node. In this example Virtual Link.
properties:vendor String Information about the vendor of this VL.

NOTE: Whenever a value of a given parameter is a string, it is best to put it in quotation marks. Example :

    name: server-configurations
      - key: "value"

Complete Example

tosca_definitions_version: tosca_simple_profile_for_nfv_1_0
description: Example of VNFD Template

  ID: dummy-server
  vendor: Fokus
  version: 0.1


    - flavour_key: m1.small
    name: server-configurations
      - key: value
      - key2: value2

  endpoint: dummy
  type: server



      type: tosca.nodes.nfv.VDU
        scale_in_out: 1
         - test-vim-instance
          type: tosca.artifacts.Deployment.Image.VM
          file: ubuntu-14.04-server-cloudimg-amd64-disk1

      type: tosca.nodes.nfv.CP
        - virtualBinding: vdu1
        - virtualLink: private

      type: tosca.nodes.nfv.VL
        vendor: Fokus

NOTE: Save the template in a file called server-iperf.yaml.

Using the API you can store the VNFD written in TOSCA directly in the NFVO. You will need the dummy-vnfm and test vim instance. To do that follow these steps:

1) Authentication: Run this command:

$curl -v -u openbatonOSClient:secret -X POST http://localhost:8080/oauth/token -H "Accept: application/json" -d "username=admin&password=openbaton&grant_type=password"

The NFVO will answer with an authetication key and a project id. You will need them to send the VNFD in the next step. The response should look like this:

  # Authentication Key
  "value": "e8726a35-61c8-4bcb-873e-3ab6cc989f6f",
  "expiration": "Aug 30, 2016 9:14:22 PM",
  "tokenType": "bearer",
  "refreshToken": {
    "expiration": "Sep 29, 2016 9:14:22 AM",
    # Project ID
    "value": "336ca2e6-8e78-48eb-b8f8-c5de862a21da"

Note: Do not pay attention to the project-id supplied in this response.

2) To send the VNFD in the TOSCA format save the example above in a file named dummy-vnf.yaml and get the project id of your project from the Dashboard under the menu Identity > Menu. After that run this :

$curl -i -X POST http://localhost:8080/api/v1/nsd-tosca -H "Content-Type: text/yaml" "Accept: application/json" -H "project-id: $Project-ID HERE$" -H "Authorization: Bearer $AUTH KEY HERE$" --data-binary @dummy-vnf.yaml


The NFVO will answer with json translation of the VNFD. To retrieve or to instantiate this VNFD please use the Dashboard of OpenBaton in the page under the menu Catalogue > VNF Descriptors.