
Install Open Baton using Vagrant

This tutorial will guide towards the installation of a minimal Open Baton environment composed by the following components:

  • The NFVO implemented in java using the framework. For more details about the NFVO architecture, you can refer to the next sections
  • RabbitMQ as messaging system
  • Test plugin for being able to execute the dummy NSR tutorial without needing an OpenStack instance.
  • Generic VNFM
  • OpenStack plugin: in case you want to use OpenStack as VIM


You need to have Vagrant installed.

Installation guide

If you already have Vagrant installed in your system, you can install the latest RELEASE Open Baton version by using this Vagrantfile and simply typing the following command:

vagrant up

After the starting of the vagrant box has finished, you can open a browser and go on localhost:8080. To log in, the default credentials for the administrator user are:

user: admin
password: openbaton