
Install Open Baton on MacOS using brew

This tutorial will guide you through the installation of the NFVO on top of OSX.


  • Homebrew installed and updated.
  • Java 7+ installed and updated (you can install with brew cask install java)
  • RabbitMQ installed, properly configured and started. Once RabbitMQ is installed, you can configure it with the following commands:
rabbitmqctl add_user admin openbaton
rabbitmqctl set_user_tags admin administrator
rabbitmqctl set_permissions -p / admin ".*" ".*" ".*"

Install the NFVO

In order to install the NFVO you need to execute the following instructions:

brew install

Start the NFVO

After the installation is completed you can launch the NFVO:

openbaton-nfvo start

After few seconds you can open the dashboard at: http://localhost:8080. How to use the dashboard is shown here.

Configure the NFVO

The configuration file ( is in the folder /usr/local/etc/openbaton. To configure the NFVO please refer to nfvo configuration. If you change the configuration make sure to restart the NFVO running:

openbaton-nfvo stop
openbaton-nfvo start

Uninstall the NFVO

You can execute the following command for uninstalling the NFVO:

brew remove openbaton-nfvo

Install the Generic VNFM

In order to install the Generic VNFM you need to execute the following instructions:

brew install

Start the Generic VNFM

After the installation is completed you can launch the Generic VNFM:

openbaton-vnfm-generic start

Configure the Generic VNFM

The configuration file ( is in the folder /usr/local/etc/openbaton/vnfm/generic. If you change the configuration make sure to restart the Generic VNFM running:

openbaton-vnfm-generic stop
openbaton-vnfm-generic start

Uninstall the Generic VNFM

You can uninstall the Generic VNFM running:

brew remove openbaton-vnfm-generic