Open Baton Fault Management System (FMS)

The Open Baton FMS project is a module of the Open Baton Orchestrator. It provides an extensive Fault Management System that is based on alarms coming from the VIM and executes actions through the NFVO.
Note: if you followed the installation guide using the bootstrap, you can jump to the section "How to use Open Baton FM"

Technical Requirements

The technical requirements are:

  • Zabbix plugin running (see the doc of Zabbix plugin)
  • Database called "faultmanagement"
  • Open Baton version 3.x running
  • Generic VNFM 3.x running

How to install Open Baton FMS

Once the prerequisites are met, you can clone the following project from git, compile it using Gradle and launch it:

git clone openbaton-fm
cd openbaton-fm
./ compile start

The configuration file is etc/, you have to copy it in the Open Baton folder ( /etc/openbaton ). You can do it typing the following command:

cp etc/ /etc/openbaton/

Now change the "nfvo.ip" property with the IP of the NFVO and that is all.

Create the database

In order to create the database be sure you have installed mysql server. Then access to mysql-server with the credential you choose during the installation procedure, and create a new database called faultmanagement.

mysql create database faultmanagement;

Now give the permission to this database to the user with the credential you specified in the DB properties (spring.datasource.username=admin, spring.datasource.password=changeme) of the Open Baton configuration file. At default they are username=admin and password:changeme.

GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON faultmanagement.* TO admin@'%' IDENTIFIED BY 'changeme';

How to use Open Baton FM

Fault management system use case

The actions are listed below:

Heal The VNFM executes the scripts in the Heal lifecycle event (in the VNFD). The message contains the cause of the fault, which can be used in the scripts.
Switch to stanby VNFC (Stateless) If the VDU requires redoundancy active-passive, there will be a component VNFC in standby mode. This action consists in: activate the VNFC, route all signalling and data flow(s) for VNFC to VNFC*, deactivate VNFC.
Switch to stanby VNFC (Stateful) To investigate. Refer on ETSI GS NFV-REL 001 v1.1.1 (2015-01) Chapter 11.2.1.

Write a fault management policy

The fault management policy needs to be present in the VNFD, in particular in the VDU. This is an example of fault management policy:

      "name":"web server not available",
      "isVNFAlarm": true,

Description of the fault management policy:

Property Derscription
name This is the name of the fault management policy.
isVNFAlarm True, if the alarm is of type VNF.
criteria The criteria defines a threshold on a monitoring paramenter. When the threshold is crossed an alarm is fired.
period The criteria is checked every "period" seconds.
severity Defines the severity of the alarm.

Description of the criteria:

Property Derscription
parameter_ref This is the reference to a monitoring parameter in the VDU. (see below how to define monitoring parameters).
function The function to apply to the parameter ( last(0) means the last value available of the parameter). Since currently only Zabbix is supported, look at the Zabbix documentation for the all available funcitons.
vnfc_selector select if the criteria is met when all VNFC components cross the thresold (all) or at least one (at_least_one)
comparison_operator This defines the comparison operator used for the threshold.
threshold The value of the threshold to compare against the parameter_ref value.

In order to refer to a monitoring parameter with the property parameter_ref, it needs to be present in the vdu:





You can specify every parameter available in the Zabbix Agent.

How the HEAL method works

The Heal VNF operation is a method of the VNF lifecycle management interface described in the ETSI NFV MANO specifications. Here is reported the description and the notes about this method:

Description: this operation is used to request appropriate correction actions in reaction to a failure.
Notes: This assumes operational behaviour for healing actions by VNFM has been described in the VNFD. An example might be switching between active and standby mode.

In the ETSI draft "NFV-IFA007v040" at this page, the Heal VNF message is defined as:

vnfInstanceId : Identifies the VNF instance requiring a healing action.
cause : Indicates the reason why a healing procedure is required.

Once the fault management system received an alarm from the VIM, it checks, if the alarm is referred to a VNF and sends the Heal VNF message to the NFVO which forwards it to the respective VNFM. The VNFM executes in the failed VNFC the scripts in the HEAL lifecycle event. Here an example of the heal script you can use:


case "$cause" in

    echo "Apache is down, let's try to restart it..."
    service apache2 restart
    if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
        echo "ERROR: the Apache service is not started"
        exit 1
    echo "The Apache service is running again!"
*) echo "The cause $cause is unknown"
    exit 2

The variable $cause is specified in the Drools rule. In our case it is "serviceDown" and we try to restart the Apache server.

Drools Rules

The Open Baton FMS is a rule-based system. Such rules are specified in Drools language and processed by the Drools engine in the Open Baton FMS. An example rule looks like the following:

rule "Save a VNFAlarm"
        vnfAlarm : VNFAlarm()
    VNFAlarm alarm =;
    logger.debug("Saved VnfAlarm: "+alarm);

This rule saves a VNF Alarm in the database. The following rule executes the HEAL action once a VNF Alarm is received:

rule "Got a critical VNF Alarm and execute the HEAL action"

       vnfAlarm : VNFAlarm(  alarmState == AlarmState.FIRED, perceivedSeverity == PerceivedSeverity.CRITICAL)

    //Get the vnfr
    VirtualNetworkFunctionRecord vnfr = nfvoRequestorWrapper.getVirtualNetworkFunctionRecord(vnfAlarm.getVnfrId());

    //Get the vnfc failed (assuming only one vnfc is failed)
    VNFCInstance vnfcInstance = nsrManager.getVNFCInstanceFromVnfr(vnfr,vnfAlarm.getVnfcIds().iterator().next());"(VNF LAYER) A CRITICAL alarm is received by the vnfc: "+vnfcInstance.getHostname());

    //Get the vdu of the failed VNFC
    VirtualDeploymentUnit vdu = nfvoRequestorWrapper.getVDU(vnfr,vnfcInstance.getId());"Heal fired!");

    //Insert a new recovery action

    RecoveryAction recoveryAction= new RecoveryAction(RecoveryActionType.HEAL,vnfr.getEndpoint(),"");

How the Switch to Standby works

The Switch to Standby action can be performed by the Open Baton FMS once a VNFC in standby is present in the VNF. Its main action is switch the service from a VNFC to the VNFC in standby automatically. In order to have a VNFC in standby, such information must be included in the VNFD, in particular in the VDU, as the following:


This information will be processed by the Open Baton FMS which will create a VNFC instance in standby. Then in a Drools rule this action can be called as following:



The tutorial is available at this page.